О себе

Состою ли я в официальном браке

да, живём порознь

Есть ли у меня дети

нет, но хотелось бы

Я проживаю

в арендованной квартире

Моё образование


Учёная степень


Я владею такими языками




Алкогольная зависимость

не употребляю вообще

Табачная зависимость

не курю вообще

Я занимаюсь такими видами спорта, как

  • плавание
  • бег
  • боулинг

О себе

I am old fashioned guy who believes men should be treated with dignity and respect. And I believe that women and men are equals and as such there should be mutual respect shown. I wasn't always like that, I was brought up that women were men and were not suppose to show emotion and definitely didn't share their problems with a man. My God that would be a sign of weakness and men are fixers and conqueror of all things. As I grew older I realized that all that was probably the reason for so many divorces in this country. men should be equal partners with their women,s he should trust her and share all with him as he would want him to do with her. Another trait I learned is to listen, just not hear but truly listen and not be so anxious to fix everything. Some-times a man just wants to know that he was heard and is supported. A hard lesson to learn and a lot of girls just don't get it. I am very diverse and enjoy doing many things. I enjoy sports, reading, horseback riding, cooking and I do a lot of charity work. I enjoy helping others, it's giving back and being thankful for what I have. My main goal now is to find that one good man who will become my friend, life long companion and lover. I'm looking for a full time relationship and I am one woman that isn't afraid of making a commitment with the right man.



без материальных обязательств

Желаемый формат отношений

  • романтические, интимные отношения на постоянной основе
  • флирт, интимные отношения на один раз

Время для встречи


Моя сексуальная ориентация


Я приму приглашение

  • на светское мероприятие
  • на концерт
  • в боулинг клуб
  • в кино